Monday, April 16, 2007

Summary of this class

This semester, I loved making my own blog. I had never designed a webpage before, or written a blog. It was exciting that my friends checked my blog and commented on my pictures.
For the International project my group initially decided to photograph the subways of Philadelphia and Tokyo, and then talk about the comparisons and contrasts. That turned out to be infeasible, so we decided to go out and photograph the many facets of Tokyo nightlife. My night life is composed of sweet, innocent dreams in my bed or in the bright gym dancing ballet, so my night life is a lot like my day life. But Tokyo is a city of so many different tastes and obsessions. It is at night that the Japanese lose their self-consciousness and forget about their duties to others.Some go to arcades, some to maid or anime cafes, and some just drink and drink and drink and then stumble to the last train for the long ride home.

I will always remember the field trips I took with my classmates and professors! We left our footprints in so many wonderful and fun places in Tokyo! I could not go to the party of our final projects, and I lost the chance to celebrate our achievements from this semester. But the staff who worked at the presentation told me that people appreciated my projects, and I feel so happy about that! My hard work got results!

Thank you to my professors and precious classmates! I will maintain my blog and keep putting up pictures of my experiences in Tokyo, and I hope that all of you will come and visit!

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